Hyatt Regency Delhi launches its in-house water bottling plant


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In the fight towards eliminating plastic waste and ensuring a more sustainable carbon footprint, Hyatt Regency Delhi is proud to announce the launch of its own in-house water bottling plant, making it one of the first few hotels in India to take this stride.
The fully automated water bottling plant will eradicate approximately 1.08 million plastic bottles a year, by making the switch to reusable glass bottles! This process saves 28 tons of plastic waste every year.

This landmark initiative by Hyatt Regency Delhi is the first of many, in its goal towards greater environmental accountability and its aspiration to be a plastic-free hotel. Being one of the very few hotels in India to have their in-house water bottling plants, Hyatt Regency Delhi continues to push the needle towards its quest to establish green business practices. The power of a million is a sustainable promise, keeping in mind the best interests of its patrons and our beautiful planet!

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